Getting to the point: While it's great to learn about time management, we need to remember to continuously assess which direction we're going instead of going the same direction we are already headed. As either Einstein or Rita Mae Brown said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results." Aside from planning to use an insanity plea in the future, why do we continue the same efforts and expect better? Identify what is important in your life, and what makes you happy, and make time for those things. Not later, but now. Just a little bit. Be happy right now (or make time for it today). We truly can't live in the future, as it will get here and we'll still be waiting for the next thing coming. Serenity now! :P
So get out there! Figure out if your current direction is the right one, and make time to be happy now. No one else will do this work for you, and if they do -- I don't trust them... :)
Footnote: Yes, this is still my blog on glass art, but more importantly it's partly to describe the (not-so-creative-at-times) journey through it, and how it ties into the other aspects of a (what I consider) successful existence. At least, that's the direction I think it may go. Come on, haven't we all been tempted to change the direction of our blogs? There are so many abandoned blogs out there that I wonder how many folks just gave up because they ran out of things to say on their chosen topics, instead of trying to slightly alter the direction. Well, today's post is more about direction than glass, and if you only read here for glass goodies, please forgive the change, and I will of course still post glass goodies as the general theme. Just mixing it up today. :)